Ruth Green Collection


Ruth Green Collection


The Ruth Green Collection is housed at the Durham Public Library in Durham, New Hampshire. It contains seven small works, all watercolor on cardstock and mounted on parchment. This collection is heavily influenced by the color palette and stylized, geometric lines of the late art deco movement in American fashion and textiles during the late 1930s into the early 1940s.

Ruth Green (1910-1943) was an artist and textile designer in Manhattan. A New York native, Green was born Bertha Greenberg on January 10, 1910 to Samuel Greenberg and Rebecca Gutman of the Bronx. She was the older sister of author and naturalist Margery Milne of Durham, who was often the subject of her work. Milne was known to locals as Durham's honorary "Keeper of the Swans" and was a significant figure in the patronage of the Durham Public Library. Ruth Green was employed in textile design and was just beginning her career as an artist when she died on April 6, 1943 at the age of 33 years in New York City.

This collection was gifted to the Durham Public Library by the estate and all transfers were conducted under the executorship of Paul Litt and Diana Carroll. The collection is permanently housed at the Durham Public Library where it is available for public view.


Green, Ruth (1910-1943)


Heritage Room Collections, Durham Public Library


Durham Public Library


1930-1941, exact date unknown


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Collection Items

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of two mirrored female figure with arms outstretched to the sea. "Freedom" is handwritten in the bottom left corner of parchment.

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of a kneeling figure with arms outstretched to the night sky. "Prayer" is handwritten in the bottom left corner of parchment.

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of a kneeling figure in the rain. "Sorrow" is handwritten in the bottom left corner of parchment. Artist signature at right bottom of parchment.

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of a figure with arms stretched overhead, rising into the sky. "Peace" is handwritten in the bottom left corner of parchment.

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of a single figure in backbend position with lightning striking. "Disillusion" is handwritten in the bottom left corner of parchment.

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of a figure under the moon at top right on a winding path/river that extends to the foreground. "Achievement" is handwritten in the bottom left…

Watercolor and pen painting on cardstock and mounted on parchment by Ruth Green, pre-1940. Depiction of a kneeling figure leaning into the sun. "Hope" is handwritten in the bottom left corner of parchment. Artist signature at right bottom of…
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